Capricorn in relationships
Where the 'us' thing is concerned, Capricorn keeps the ground rules simple: Only those with money, power and the trappings of success need apply. A relationship with the Sea Goat does go both ways, for those born under this Sign do work hard at taking a union with the right person to newer and continually greater heights. If their lover can throw in a dash of excitement along the way, so much the better, since the Sea Goat loves a glamorous social occasion and the chance to flash some finery. A bit of solidity, along with excitement and passion, is just the right mix. In the ideal relationship, the Sea Goat is a fountain of love, a lover who can give of themselves completely and protect the object of their affections loyally. Capricorn's ideal soul mate should be a success at what they do and willing to take the Sea Goat along for a stylish ride.
Romantic sun sign profile: Capricorn
Capricorn in love
What Capricorn needs
Capricorn in relationships
Capricorn in romance
Capricorn and sex
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