Capricorn and sex
Behind that cool Capricorn exterior lies a white-hot interior waiting to be discovered by a worthy lover. Splendour beneath the sheets is likely to be a straightforward affair for the Sea Goat, since this practical Earth Sign doesn't need anything flashy or fancy to get excited. The arousal here is from being happily in love, since love and sex do go hand in hand for Capricorn. The Sea Goat is a persistent, passionate and loyal lover, so whoever is on the receiving end is in for a guaranteed good time. While Capricorns abhor being dependent on their lover, they would certainly like to be nurtured by them and exposed to new levels of delight. There is no doubting that the frisky Sea Goat can explode with an understanding, strong and libidinous partner.
Romantic sun sign profile: Capricorn
Capricorn in love
What Capricorn needs
Capricorn in relationships
Capricorn in romance
Capricorn and sex
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